
Nutritional supplement in capsules. Chrome is an essential mineral to human body,
enhancing its sensitivity to insulin, which is used in Type 2 Diabetes treatment. Also reduces
body fat, gives satisfaction feeling and reduction of sweet craving. Foods such as plum,
mushroom, asparagus, beer, meats, cereal, vegetables and leaves have significant amounts
of chrome. Since many cannot have a rich and complete daily diet, sometimes it is necessary
to consume supplements that provide the body with benefits: muscle growth as much as fat
reduces, then Chrome Picolinate ends up being helpful to weight loss and gives power, with
good results to physical activities.
Benefits: Helps muscle growth
Reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) and fat absortion
Improves glycemic index
Improves good cholesterol (HDL)

Recommended daily intake: for people over the age of 19. Ingest 1 capsule a day.